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Desktop Delivery
Check out the guides and videos below for how Lender's can upload/attach PDF documents, such as digital or photocopy versions of articles, directly to a request within Illume. And how Borrower library ILL Staff or Patrons (via Guest Patron "Guest ILL Tracking" or with Borrower Patron Email Notices set-up) can then download the attached document directly from Illume!
Want to request additional improvements to the Desktop Delivery feature? Please contact us with any enhancement requests and we will submit them to the vendor!
February 1st 2023: The Desktop Delivery feature in SHAREit has been improved to allow larger files to attach to your requests. The maximum file size has been increased from 25 MB to 125 MB. Multiple articles can still also be attached/delivered on each request if your file size exceeds 125MB. June 2nd 2021: The Desktop Delivery feature in SHAREit has been improved to help ILL Staff consistently deliver attached articles/documents according to the Best Practices for SHAREit Academic libraries. Attached articles in SHAREit can reach borrower patrons immediately through their Patron Tracking as well as through Patron Email Notices (does not require patron-initiated ILLs) when Staff mark an item as "Received". ![]() A prompt has been added to remind Staff to attach a file to a Non-returnable (copy) request when marking it as "Shipped". Please click "OK" to ship a request without an attachment or choose “Cancel” to return to a request and attach an article. Additional display information on the number of downloads and expiry of attachments has also been added for both Staff and Patrons. Click here for more information on these enhancements. |
REMINDER: Documents uploaded within Illume for ISO participant libraries (BCIT, CapU, KPU, RRU, TRU, TWU & UFV) & partner libraries (SFU, UBC & UVic) cannot be viewed without logging into Illume. Instead we recommend you copy & paste your document URL into a separate email to send directly to the ISO library. The Illume Document URL will still include your download restrictions!
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Your Patrons - Watch a quick overview video on how your patrons can download from Patron Tracking or via email with Patron Notices configured. [No sound] | Watch Video [3m:24s ; MP4] |
Lenders - Watch a quick video on how to "Upload Document" directly to your request. [No sound] | Watch Video [1m:56s ; MP4] | |
Borrowers - Watch a quick video on how to "Download Attachments" of documents sent with your requests. [No sound] | Watch Video [38s ; MP4] |
Lenders Upload/Attach PDF Documents
- Upload (Lenders): Click the "Upload Document" link to add your copy item directly to a request.
With the update to v5.0.23.38 on November 29th, this feature has been modified to include download and date range limits as part of the upcoming enhanced Desktop Delivery feature to deliver interlibrary loan copy requests directly to patrons.
Recommended: When uploading your document directly to Illume we recommend you always leave the maximum defaults of 5 download attempts and 90 days expiry to allow the Borrower library flexibility with providing the resource directly to their patrons.
Use the "Choose File" button to browse to the file on your computer and add a Description (recommend the article or item title) and click Submit to save/upload your document. The maximum access settings should be the default options.
Borrower ILL Staff or Patron Download
- Download (Borrower ILL Staff): Click the "Download Attachments" link to view all items uploaded to your request.
A new "Uploaded Files" window will pop-up with all the attached downloads. Click the Download link to save a copy of each attachment to deliver to your patron. Note: With upcoming additionals to Desktop Delivery the patron will be able to download directly from Illume!
Warning: Each time the 'Download' link in the 'Uploaded Files' new window/pop-up is clicked it will count against the maximum number of downloads set by the Lender - default is five (5) clicks. We recommend that ILL Staff try to click the link as few times as possible, such as if staff want to save a back-up PDF, to allow the patron more chances to click the download link.
- Download (Patrons): Patrons can use the Guest Patron "Guest ILL Tracking" login to download the attached document as soon as the Lender library has "Shipped" the request. The link is also available to patrons via an email notices link, once the status of the item is "Received", if the borrower library has activated the "Received with Attachments" notice within their Participant Record > Patron Notification Set-up.
- February 1st 2023: The Desktop Delivery feature in SHAREit has been improved to allow larger files to attach to your requests. The maximum file size has been increased from 25 MB to 125 MB. Multiple articles can still also be attached/delivered on each request if your file size exceeds 125MB.
- June 2, 2021 - Auto-Graphics has added multiple enhancements to Desktop Delivery including information for Staff on the number of downloads available/used.
- Guest Patrons - When logged into Patron Tracking, guest patrons will see both a download link and the number of downloads remaining as well as the expiry date. For example they would see a message saying "5 downloads remaining until mm/dd/yyyy" or "0 downloads remaining" or "Download access expired mm/dd/yyyy".
- Staff - Staff will see the same messages available on the Full Request Details. This information can help Staff know if a patron has access the attached article.
- ILL Staff - When shipping a Non-returnable (copy) request, ILL Staff will be reminded with a prompt to attach the article to a request so that patrons at Borrower libraries can directly receive their articles via Patron Tracking immediately after shipment or Patron Email Notices (does not require patron-initiated ILLs) when Staff mark an item as "Received".
Click "OK" to ship a request without an attachment or "Cancel" to return to a request and add an attachment. This message only displays when choosing "Shipped" from the Full Request Details and does not display when updating status from the Brief results view of your Request Manager > Lender "Pending" or "Will Supply/In Process".
We have also requested an enhancement in SHAREit that would automatically send an email, including article download link, to ISO-Relais/VDX libraries. In the meantime, please continue to send article attachments directly to ISO libraries (KPU, SFU, RRU, TRU, UBC & UVic) instead.
- Guest Patrons - When logged into Patron Tracking, guest patrons will see both a download link and the number of downloads remaining as well as the expiry date. For example they would see a message saying "5 downloads remaining until mm/dd/yyyy" or "0 downloads remaining" or "Download access expired mm/dd/yyyy".
- March 9, 2019 - SHAREit V6 has fixed the "Electronic Attachment" link directly in patron tracking. Download links are now available directly in "Guest ILL Tracking" and also sent through automatic email notices.
- July 17, 2019 - SHAREit V6 is missing the "Electronic Attachment" link directly in patron tracking. Download links sent through automatic email notices continue to work. Auto-Graphics is working on a fix for this issue.
- June 21, 2018 - Auto-Graphics has added our requested "Electronic Attachment" link directly to patron tracking! Patrons can now login with the information they used to create the request and access their attached documents directly from within Illume as soon as the Lender library shipped the item. This allows patrons to directly access their documents without ILL Staff setting up Patron Email Notices or sending an email notice manually.
- April 19, 2018 - Auto-Graphics has resolved the main issues with copyright notices and patron access that we requested. We now recommend it can be used to provide articles directly to Illume patrons using the Patron Email Notices feature or by copy & pasting the document URL into an email to send to the patron.