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Post-secondary Library ILL Policy Template

The template below provides a standard form to assist post-secondary libraries with publishing their ILL policy pages containing important interlibrary loan info (eg. lending periods & late fees) for Illume participant libraries. 

These policy pages are published as part of the Benefits & Responsibilities for BC ELN academic libraries participating in Illume.

Create your Post-secondary Library's ILL Policy Page

Each post-secondary Illume participant library will create or update an existing ILL policy page and host it on their library's website for Illume participant libraries to access.

Please use the template below to create or update your policy page. Since the page is hosted on your own library website, you are at liberty to change the information and format as needed. But please do not delete any lines - if a category does not apply at your institution, leave it blank. Additional lines and categories are acceptable. Please add any information you think would be useful for ILL participant libraries and contact us if you'd like to suggest additional fields to be added to the template!

Some libraries have requested examples of live policy pages that have been adapted from the template below and published; and we recommend checking out pages from libraries such as Coast Mountain College, Okanagan College, University of Victoria, and Yukon University.

Once published you must also send the URL to the Illume Support Centre <> so we can update your Organisation information. Links to every policy page are available from the Illume website here:

Questions? Contact us for assistance!

Illume Post-secondary ILL Policy Page Template

Contact Information
Post-secondary Library/ Organisation Name:  
Illume (SHAREit) Library code: your SHAREit code is available here
Canadian Library Symbol (LAC) code: include if different from your SHAREit code
Shipping address:   
ILL contact telephone:  
ILL contact email:  
General Information
Library Catalogue URL:  
ILL software: primary ILL software you accept Illume requests within (eg. SHAREit or Relais)?
Consortia memberships: consortial memberships that may impact ILL policies or fees, such as your COPPUL membership (eg. none, Full or Affiliate)
Loan Information
Returnable Loans:  include loan period (eg. 2 weeks) for all material formats you ILL such as Books, Media, Kits etc
Renewals: do you allow renewals of physical materials, and if so which formats? (reminder there are no charges for renewals)
Non-returnable Copies: include information on serial/periodical loans such as if you allow print, ejournal and book chapter photocopies/scans;
also include how you deliver copy requests (eg. via email or desktop delivery in SHAREit);
include a delivery email address here if different from your contact email
Media Loans: include the media formats (eg. DVDs or Audiobook CD) allowable for ILLs as well as if you allow media for only print-disabled patrons;
for a list of format designations in SHAREit please check-out your Lending Policy under your Staff Dashboard > ILL Admin > Participant Record > Lending
Not for Loan: include all formats you do not loan under any circumstances such as rare materials, reference, reserves
Shipping/Delivery: include any important information on physical shipping or delivery, including any library-specific packaging or special shipping requirements, for Returnables (eg. Courier or Canada Post)
Non-returnable Copy charges (outside of Illume): reminder that both loan & copy requests are free for BC ELN participant libraries if processed via the Illume system (SHAREit or ISO-partner software)
Replacement charges: eg. cost of item plus $15 processing charge
Late fees:  
Invoice payments: include a contact for information on invoice payments