[Software Customisation] Since the initial launch of Illume (SHAREit V6), Auto-Graphics has supplied free-of-charge cover jacket art from various sources including a Syndetics trial and cover art from the Open Library. Currently SHAREit contains free cover art from Amazon. Amazon sometimes displays art different from the expected cover due to issues such as the ISBN may also match an Amazon product number.
As of July 18th, Auto-Graphics has implemented the following changes to help with those sites not wishing Amazon book jacket art to ever display:
- If a library is configured to use a cover art provider such as Syndetics, the free cover art from Amazon will never display.
- If a library does not use a cover art provider like Syndetics or Content Café, but also doesn't want the free cover art to display -- please contact us and we can request all cover art be deactivated for your library.
Our consortia is also investigating the costs of implementing consortial-wide license for cover jacket art from Syndetics so every Illume patron would see the same book jacket results. This would also allow us to more easily have issues of incorrect artwork corrected. More information will hopefully be available soon and please contact us with any questions or concerns.
If your library has a Syndetics or Content Cafe jacket art subscription already (eg. for BiblioCommons) you can activate it within SHAREit so it displays your subscription book jacket art directly in Illume instead. If you already subscribe to Syndetics or Content Cafe - there is no additional charge from Auto-Graphics for activating your account in Illume (SHAREit V6).
- Syndetics - Please contact us with your Syndetics Code to activate your jacket art subscription.
- Content Cafe - Please contact us with your UserID to start. Auto-Graphics may also need further information to activate your subscription.
- If your library subscribes to another cover art provider, such as ChiliFresh, please let us know and we will contact Auto-Graphics to check if it can also be integrated into SHAREit V6!
Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback about the jacket cover art displayed in Illume. The Illume Support Centre is continuing to explore additional options to improve content enrichment within Illume!