[Holidays or Closures] This error occurs when a library sets their Days to Respond (DTR) to zero [0] during holidays or closures. Every library in the lender list must have the minimum of:
- a valid code (eg. BVI) and,
- a Days to Respond number greater than zero [0] (eg. 4).
Error Message: There is an error in one or more of the lenders added to the lender list. Each lender must have a library code and days to respond at minimum. Acceptable formats are: LIBCODE, DAYS or LIBCODE, DAYS, CALL NUMBER or LIBCODE, DAYS, CALL NUMBER, CONTROL NUMBER.
How do I fix this error message?
If you are a Borrower library, you can scan the lender list for a site/code showing a DTR of zero [0] and manually delete it from your lender list before approving the request. Please contact us with the name of the Lender library so we can follow-up with instructions on the correct way to set holiday closures in the Holiday/Temporary Closures guides.